Software Security AntiPatterns .NET
Find out and demo the commonly reinvented bad solutions in programming that eventually lead to insecure software from web application perspective.
State of the art hands-on secure coding trainings on JEE and ASP.NET stacks cherished with real life experiences. The training content not only has attack vectors but mainly includes practical prevention techniques.
Application penetration test reports have "best-offered" mitigation techniques which might not really help developers finding the right fix. Developers are mentored on finding optimum solutions to reported attack vectors.
Pair programming, albeit not widely adopted, is an effective technique for producing quality software. Steering developers are mentored from a security perspective as a navigator one on one during the coding process.
64% of developers consult collegues or search engines when faced with security problems. SourceFlake includes 24x7 online/phone security problem solving and threat modeling support against critical security processes.
SourceFlake list of secure software related auxilary content.
Find out and demo the commonly reinvented bad solutions in programming that eventually lead to insecure software from web application perspective.
The document includes 290+ pages of examples of insecure code types and their related mitigation techniques for JEE, .NET and ANDROID technologies.
Development is a complex process and it is extremely hard to keep a software secure as it ages. Over four decades have been passed since the Saltzer & Schroeder published their paper covering Protection Design Principles. Aligned to its importance, several semi-automatic tools are devised to find security vulnerabilities on running or static software. Still vast amount of websites include critical security vulnerabilities including hard-to-catch business logic bugs.
SourceFlake is a small shop providing boutique manual secure coding training & consulting services leveraging 15+ years of secure software development experience.